Monday, March 16, 2009


Well sunday i got kinda board anf ifgured i needed to take some Pictures for my blog because i've had so many people say JASON why dont you put pics on your blog and i was like "I'm not that photogenic as you all can tell by this photo not the best, dont know why but I am ALOT better looking in person ask any one. hahahahh Theres Phil he is a stud with the ladies if you dont believe me ask any of my room mates. He's always got some type of a date or something going on with a different gal. He pretty much is our roommate even though he doesnt live with us he spends 95% of the time just chillin at our house because he knows who cool we are at H3 which is totally fine with us becasue he's such a good kid..

Mr Diamond he is my Room Roommate and i gotta say i dont think we have been able to sleep before 12:30 becasue we are usually caught tellign stories and just talking about what we did for fun in burley and declo Idaho because they were so close togethor, good times, I sure am gonna miss this guy next year because he will be getting MArried this summer to a beautiful gal from Ogden.

This man is definetly from Malad IDaho

what such a good lookign Couple.


Michael and Tammi said...


Great pics ......but do you guys do anything down there besides play? Sounds like college is alot more fun than when I was going. Just be sure your pulling the grades and I don't mean in campus Wild life either!!!

I'm impressed with the seating in your apartment and worried about the paint colors you have chosen for your new one.
Behave yourself

Tammi Pollard said...

Hey this is one of the greatest times of your life enjoy!!! love ya MOM