Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Well in my Psychology class yesterday we were learning about brains and there functions which is really amazing if you ask me, so at the end of the class they actually brought in a brain and a mans head that was cut in half and i actually didnt want to take a pic of that just becasue it was a little wierd and didnt seem right so as i was holding the brain it is actually really AWESOME, and so i got to play with it and hold it and what is really cool about one of the pics is the eyes are still attached and you can see them really well.. so just so you all know..


Royal Princess Academy said...

EWWWW sick but kinda neat at the same time!!! Wow sounds like you are learning all kinda of cool stuff.... see school CAN be fun at times.... LOVE YOU!

Tammi Pollard said...

WOW that is so gross, how interesting to be able to see it like that!!!! hang in there bud remeber your mother loves you, MOM