Thursday, November 13, 2008

WEll it has been a while since i've updated my blog so here i go. Last week i went down to Logan and hung out with friends and familly, but mostly to take a test on tuesday that would determin wether i would get instate or out of state tuition. and Well i PASSED i was so excited to know that i can have a chance at in state tution that takes a heavy burden off of my shoulders. and yess i am anxious to get down there as well and get in the crowds.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Woke up this morning to this picture.... i didnt think it started snowing until december i mean wow this is pretty crazy and boy am i cold, i forgot what snow had looked liked and felt liek after two years of hot hot hot humid climates..... MACIZO ME ENCANTA LA NIEVE

Havin a Little Fun with DADS toys

So my first couple weeks home have been really kinda wierd. I have done just about every thing i can do from just relaxing to playing with dads air soft gun man is that a cool thing i gotta get me one.... My dad says its used to shoot the neighbors cats if they come on our property and well he wasnt kiddin you could pretty much dropo one of those stupid animals with this sucker.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Well look at this cutie hes my favorite sobrino (nephew) that i got so i enjoyed the time with him that i had we laughed we giggled and we slept, but boy is he quite the poper i tell ya what he pooped at least 3 to 4 times in 2 hours i think but good to have sisters, you know how race car drivers have a team to change the tires well i got a team to change the diappers...


Well good to be home to a new home kinda wierd but nice at the same time. The trip was long and boring but around 10:30 finalyl showed up to meet my parents who arrived about 10 mins. late but thats okay i was still pretty excited to see them. the next day decided to help dad out with mowing the beast of a yard we have its incredibly huge i like it. Dont know how much more i can help considering i start working thursday for Lees Furniture a good job that was offered to me i didnt have to go look i actually had 4 different job offers so the bleesings are starting to take affect. really kinda nice if ya ask me.